
# Unnamed Section
## Empty Column

# Unnamed Section
_CSS Class_: bg-blue
## Column 1: Rich Text

The Athabasca Watershed Council (AWC) aims to highlight the unique aspects of the Athabasca Watershed in a yearly calendar. This year, we’re opening the contest to students and youth, from grades K-12, to see what your favourite place is in the watershed.

# Unnamed Section
## Column 1: Rich Text

Calling all students! If you have a favourite place, like a river, lake or stream, in the Athabasca Watershed that you’d like everyone to know about, this calendar contest is the perfect way to highlight it. Pictures from a day at the lake, scenic artwork, or a story about your favourite place would make great entries for a chance to win a prize in the contest!

14 winners will be selected to be featured in our 2022 Calendar. Winners will receive exciting prizes as well as a copy of the AWC Calendar. Photographs, essays, drawings and other forms of artwork (traditional and digital) will all be accepted as entries as long as they relate to the theme of the contest. Entries can be submitted up until 11:59 PM on Thursday, September 30th. 

# Unnamed Section
_CSS Class_: bg-blue
## Column 1: Rich Text

Contest theme:

What is your favourite place in the Athabasca Watershed? 

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## Column 1: Rich Text

You can submit more than one photo/artwork/essay, but once submitted entries can not be changed, edited, or replaced. Multiple submissions are allowed. For more information about whether your submission features a location in the watershed, click HERE.

Contest submissions may be submitted HERE on the AWC website, emailed to ADMIN@AWC-WPAC.CA, or mailed directly to the Athabasca Watershed Council at 5101 50th avenue, PO Box 1058, Athabasca AB, T9S 2A8. Please note that entries sent by email/mail by a contestant under the age 18 must include this waiver, signed by a parent/guardian approving their participation in the contest. 

Good luck!


If you have any questions about how to submit an entry, or any other questions relating to the photo contest, please contact us at ADMIN@AWC-WPAC.CA or call 780-213-0343.

# Unnamed Section
_CSS Class_: flush
## Column 1: Cta
_Title_: Official Contest Rules
_Secondary_title_: See the official contest rules and regulations here.
_Link_text_: View Rules
_Link_url_: 1793
_Image_: 1797

## Column 2: Cta
_Title_: Submit Your Entry!
_Secondary_title_: Submit your photographs, artwork, essays, etc. here.
_Link_text_: Contest Submission
_Link_url_: 1794
_Image_: 1797

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## Column 1: Rich Text

This project is financially supported by: