

As a multi-stakeholder organization, the Athabasca Watershed Council relies on our membership to gain insights and understand what is happening in the watershed, and to collaboratively work towards a more sustainable future.
By becoming a member, you add your name to a growing list of individuals and organizations that support our work. The more people and organizations we represent, the stronger our voice becomes.

We have two membership types: Organizational and Individual.

Organizational Members

They are representatives from a diverse array of organizations, including (but certainly not limited to) municipalities and other governments, universities and research groups, stewardship groups and other non-profit organizations, Indigenous peoples, and businesses (large and small) from a range of sectors.

Individual Members

Interested and engaged citizens who collaborate on their own behalf. By becoming a member, you are entitled to run for our Board of Directors, to vote at our AGM and other special meetings, and you get access to up-to-date information about the Athabasca River watershed.

Board of Directors

Membership Renewal

Membership in the Athabasca Watershed Council (AWC) is inclusive, participatory, and active. It is open to all individuals and organizations whose interests are consistent with the Vision, Mission, and Values of the AWC. The membership term for the AWC is from April 1st to March 31st of the following year. If you are an organizational or individual member, you must renew your membership before or after March 31st to extend your membership for another year.