
Individual Membership

Individual members are those interested and engaged citizens that collaborate on their own behalf. By becoming a member, you are entitled to run for our Board of Directors, to vote at our AGM and other special meetings, and you get access to up-to-date information about the Athabasca River watershed.
Membership in the Athabasca Watershed Council (AWC) is inclusive, participatory, and active. It is open to all individuals and organizations whose interests are consistent with the Vision, Mission, and Values of the AWC. There is no membership fee, but contributions are appreciated.

Individual Membership New

"*" indicates required fields


When you sign up for a membership with the Athabasca Watershed Council, you also sign up for our newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Area(s) of Interest*
Membership Renewal*
The Athabasca Watershed Council membership term is from April 1st to March 31st of the following year. If you would like to have your membership automatically renewed, choose this option. You can terminate your membership at any time by contacting us at admin@athabascawatershed.ca.
Terms of Membership*