
Board of Directors and Committees

To ensure diverse representation across the watershed, the Athabasca Watershed Council’s Board of Directors includes members from various sector groups.

2022-2023 Board of Directors


Abdi Siad-Omar

Alberta Environment and Protected Areas


Provincial/Federal Government


Municipal – Upper Basin

Rob Minns

Athabasca County (Municipal – Middle Basin)

Sterling Johnson

Lac La Biche County (Municipal – Lower Basin)


Dan Moore, President

 Alberta Forest Products Association (Forestry)

Janice Linehan

Suncor Energy Inc. (Oil and Gas)




(Industry – Nonspecific)

Amanda Buchanan

Bighorn Mining (Mining/Utilities)


Cleo Reece

Individual (Indigenous) 





NGO’s, Stewardship, Academia

Julie Hink, Secretary

Healthy Waters Lac La Biche (Environment)

Brian Deheer

Individual Member (Environment)

Kendra Gilbert, Vice-President

Baptiste and Island Lakes Stewardship Society (Stewardship)

Paula Evans, Treasurer

Crooked Creek Conservancy of Athabasca Society (Stewardship)

Scott Ketcheson

Athabasca River Basin Research Institute (Research and Academia)


Ida Edwards

Individual (Member-at-Large)

Laura Pekkola

Individual (Member-at-Large)

2022-23 Board of Directors – Alternates


Curtis Brock

Alberta Environment and Parks

Gary Cromwell

Athabasca County (Municipal – Middle Basin)


Jennifer Knievel

Alberta Forest Products Association/West Fraser (Forestry)


Chantel Quintel

Individual Member 

NGO’s, Stewardship, Academia

Alia Schamehorn

Crooked Creek Conservancy Society (Stewardship)


Paul Belanger

Individual (Member-at-Large)


The Athabasca Watershed Council (AWC) has five key committees:

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is composed of four positions (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer), with officers selected and approved by the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee oversees the effective and efficient management of the Athabasca Watershed Council.
The 2023-24 Executive Committee:

Technical Committee

The primary goal of the Technical Committee is to generate and compile knowledge about the Athabasca River watershed and to advise the Board of Directors on technical matters. The Technical Committee is composed of a group of experts from different fields and organizations across the Watershed.

Finance and Fundraising Committee (F&F)

The Finance and Fundraising Committee works to identify and execute fundraising strategies and oversees the prudent financial management of the AWC. They are responsible for revenue generation and sound financial management.

Communications, Education and Community Engagement Committee (CE&CE)

The CE&CE Committee works to engage stakeholders from across the watershed. Its primary goal is to share knowledge about the Athabasca River watershed and to help stakeholders understand how they can affect positive change.

Human Resources Committee

The Human Resources Committee advises the Board of Directors on Human Resources-related matters and makes recommendations on recruitment.