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# Section Board of Directors and Committees
_CSS Class_: bg-blue
## Column 1: Rich Text

Board of Directors

To ensure that the Athabasca Watershed Council is representative of voices from across the watershed, the Board of Directors is comprised of seats representing specific sector groups.

As outlined in the Board of Directors Terms of Reference, the Board of Directors has a maximum of 21 members (including the past Chairperson) representing seats for industry (5), non-governmental organizations (5), governments (5), Indigenous members (3) and Members-at-Large (2).

If you’re considering joining our Board of Directors, please take a moment and read through our  INFORMATION FOR PROSPECTIVE BOARD MEMBERS. It provides details on time commitments, committees and performance expectations for AWC Directors.

## Column 2: Rich Text


The AWC has 5 committees:

The Executive Committee, which oversees the effective and efficient management of the Athabasca Watershed Council.

The Technical Committee, whose primary goal  is to generate and compile knowledge about the Athabasca River watershed and to advise the Board of Directors on technical matters.

The Communications, Education and Community Engagement Committee, which works to engage stakeholders from across the watershed.

The Finance and Fundraising Committee, which works to identify and execute fundraising strategies and oversees the prudent financial management of the AWC.

The Human Resources Committee works to advise the Board of Directors and make recommendations on employment matters.

# Unnamed Section
_CSS Class_: bg-green
## Column 1: Cta
_Title_: Become a Member
_Secondary_title_: Learn how you can become part of the Athabasca Watershed Council
_Link_text_: Learn More
_Link_url_: 26

# Section 2024-25 Board of Directors
_CSS Class_: bg-gray-lighter
## Column 1: Rich Text


Abdi Siad-Omar | Alberta Environment and Protected Areas

Dean Litzenberger| (Provincial/Federal Government) 

Vacant |  (Municipal – Upper Basin)

Rob Minns  | Athabasca County (Municipal – Middle Basin)

Sterling Johnson | Lac La Biche County (Municipal – Lower Basin) 



Dan Moore, President | Alberta Forest Products Association (Forestry)

Janice Linehan | Suncor Energy Inc. (Oil and Gas)

Vacant | (Agriculture)

Vacant | (Industry – Nonspecific)

Amanda Buchanan | Bighorn Mining (Mining/Utilities)


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Cleo Reece | Individual (Indigenous) 

Alyssa-Mae Laviolette | Individual (Indigenous) 

Vacant | (Indigenous) 


NGO’s, Stewardship, Academia

Julie Hink, Secretary | Healthy Waters Lac La Biche (Environment)

Brian Deheer | Individual Member (Environment)

Kendra Gilbert, Vice-President | Baptiste and Island Lakes Stewardship Society (Stewardship)

Danna Schock | Crooked Creek Conservancy of Athabasca Society (Stewardship)

Scott Ketcheson | Athabasca River Basin Research Institute (Research and Academia)



Ida Edwards, Treasurer | Individual (Member-at-Large)

Laura Pekkola | Individual (Member-at-Large)

# Section 2024-25 Board of Directors – Alternates
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Curtis Brock | Alberta Environment and Parks 

Gary Cromwell |Athabasca County (Municipal – Middle Basin)



Jennifer Knievel | Alberta Forest Products Association/West Fraser (Forestry)




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NGO’s, Stewardship, Academia

Monica Dahl | Crooked Creek Conservancy Society (Stewardship)




# Section Committees
_CSS Class_: bg-green
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Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is comprised of four positions (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer), with officers selected and approved by the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee oversees the effective and efficient management of the Athabasca Watershed Council.

The 2023-24 Executive Committee: Dan Moore (President), Kendra Gilbert (Vice-President), Julie Hink (Secretary), and Paula Evans (Treasurer).

Executive Committee Terms of Reference

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Technical Committee

The primary goal of the Technical Committee is to generate and compile knowledge about the Athabasca River watershed and to advise the Board of Directors on technical matters. The Technical Committee is comprised of a group of experts from different fields and organizations from across the Watershed.

Technical Committee Terms of Reference

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Communications, Education and Community Engagement Committee

The CE&CE Committee works to engage stakeholders from across the watershed. Its primary goal is to share knowledge about the Athabasca River watershed and to help stakeholders understand how they can affect positive change.

CE&CE Committee Terms of Reference

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Finance and Fundraising Committee

No organization can succeed without revenue generation and sound financial management. The F&F Committee works to identify and execute fundraising strategies and oversees the prudent financial management of the AWC.

F&F Committee Terms of Reference

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Human Resources Committee

The Human Resources Committee supports the AWC by advising the Board of Directors and making recommendations on employment matters, in support of the AWC vision, mission and values.

HR Committee Terms of Reference