# Unnamed Section
## Empty Column
# Section Board of Directors
_CSS Class_: bg-blue
## Column 1: Rich Text
To ensure that the Athabasca Watershed Council is representative of voices from across the watershed, the Board of Directors is comprised of seats representing specific sector groups.
As outlined in the Board of Directors Terms of Reference, the Board of Directors has a maximum of 21 members (including the past Chairperson) representing seats for industry (5), non-governmental organizations (5), governments (5), Indigenous members (3) and Members-at-Large (2).
If you’re considering joining our Board of Directors, please take a moment and read through our INFORMATION FOR PROSPECTIVE BOARD MEMBERS. It provides details on time commitments, committees and performance expectations for AWC Directors.
# Section 2022-23 Board of Directors
_CSS Class_: bg-gray-lighter
## Column 1: Rich Text
Abdi Siad-Omar | Land and Environmental Planning, Northern Region (Alberta Environment and Parks)
Vacant | (Provincial/Federal Government)
Vacant | (Municipal – Upper Basin)
Gary Cromwell | Athabasca County (Municipal – Middle Basin)
Lorin Tkachuk | Lac La Biche County (Municipal – Lower Basin)
Dan Moore, President | Alberta Forest Products Association/Alberta Newsprint Company (Forestry)
Janice Linehan | Suncor Energy Inc. (Oil and Gas)
Vacant | (Small Agricultural Producer)
Kennedy Deregt-Taschuk| West Central Forage Association (Agriculture)
Vacant | (Mining/Utilities)
## Column 2: Rich Text
Cleo Reece | Individual
Alyssa-Mae Laviolette | Individual
Vacant | (Indigenous)
NGO’s, Stewardship, Academia
Julie Hink | Healthy Waters Lac La Biche (Health and Environment)
Brian Deheer | Healthy Waters Lac La Biche (Health and Environment)
Kendra Gilbert, Vice-President | Baptiste and Island Lakes Stewardship Society (Stewardship)
Paula Evans, Secretary-Treasurer | Crooked Creek Conservancy Society (Stewardship)
Scott Ketcheson | Athabasca River Basin Research Institute, Athabasca University (Research and Academia)
Vacant | Individual (Member-at-Large)
Laura Pekkola | Individual (Member-at-Large)
# Section 2022-23 Board of Directors – Alternates
## Column 1: Rich Text
Curtis Brock | Alberta Environment and Parks
Robb Minns | Athabasca County (Municipal – Middle Basin)
## Column 2: Rich Text
Chantel Quintel | Individual Member
NGO’s, Stewardship, Academia
Alia Schamehorn | Crooked Creek Conservancy Society (Stewardship)
Paul Belanger | Individual (Member-at-Large)
# Unnamed Section
_CSS Class_: bg-green
## Column 1: Cta
_Title_: Become a Member
_Secondary_title_: Learn how you can become part of the Athabasca Watershed Council
_Link_text_: Learn More
_Link_url_: 26