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# Section Committees
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Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is comprised of four positions: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Board Chair is elected by the membership at our Annual General Meeting and the other executive positions (Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer) are approved by the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee oversees the effective and efficient management of the Athabasca Watershed Council.
The 2019-2020 Executive Committee: Brian Deheer (Chair), Dan Moore (Vice-Chair), Cleo Reece (Secretary), and Marcel Ulliac (Treasurer).
Executive Committee Terms of Reference
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Technical Committee
The primary goal of the Technical Committee is to generate and compile knowledge about the Athabasca River watershed and to advise the Board of Directors on technical matters. The Technical Committee is comprised of a group of experts from different fields and organizations from across the Watershed.
Technical Committee Terms of Reference
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Communications, Education and Community Engagement Committee
The CE&CE Committee works to engage stakeholders from across the watershed. Its primary goal is to share knowledge about the Athabasca River watershed and to help stakeholders understand how they can affect positive change.
CE&CE Committee Terms of Reference
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Finance and Fundraising Committee
No organization can succeed without revenue generation and sound financial management. The F&F Committee works to identify and execute fundraising strategies and oversees the prudent financial management of the AWC.
F&F Committee Terms of Reference
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Human Resources Committee
The Human Resources Committee supports the AWC by advising the Board of Directors and making recommendations on employment matters, in support of the AWC vision, mission and values.