# Unnamed Section
## Empty Column
# Section Supporters
## Column 1: Rich Text
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of the individuals and organizations that have helped the Athabasca Watershed Council find success since our establishment in 2009. Your time and generosity make this all possible.
We are grateful for the financial contributions and shared expertise of one of our primary partners, the Government of Alberta’s Department of Environment and Parks.
We also gratefully acknowledge the support and the contributions of the following partners:
# Unnamed Section
## Column 1: Rich Text
- AEP – Land and Environmental Planning, Northern Region
- Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Water Quality Section
- Alberta Forest Products Association
- Alberta Lake Management Society
- Alberta Newsprint Company
- Alberta Water Council
- Alberta WPAC’s
- Alliance For Water Stewardship
- Alice B Donahue Library and Archives
- Athabasca Advocate
- Athabasca Chamber of Commerce
- Athabasca County
- Athabasca Farm Women’s Conference
- Athabasca Heritage Society
- Athabasca Hometown Printing
## Column 2: Rich Text
- Athabasca River Voyageur Canoe Brigade Society
- Athabasca University
- Baptiste and Island Lakes Stewardship Society
- Baptiste Lake Tree Farms
- Barrhead Regional Water Commission
- Clearwater River Heritage Society
- Cows & Fish
- Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Fort McMurray First Nations
- Highway 2 Conservation
- James Hammond
- Lac La Biche County
- Lac La Biche Fisheries Advisory Council
- Lac Ste. Anne County
- Lakeview Ranch
## Column 3: Rich Text
- Let’s Go Outdoors Alberta
- Long and Narrow Lake Stewardship Society
- MD of Lesser Slave River
- Nature Alberta
- Petra Rowell Consulting
- Science Outreach – Athabasca University
- Stewards of Lac La Biche
- Suncor Energy Inc.
- Town of Mayerthorpe
- Town of Whitecourt
- Whitecourt Rotary Club
- Woodlands County
- Yellowhead County Agricultural Services
- Yellowhead County