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Building Resiliency to Multi-Year Drought in Alberta

March 7, 2024 @ 9:30 am - 3:00 pm

Drought is a normal phenomenon in Alberta and is expected to increase in frequency. Multi-year droughts have occurred frequently throughout the province’s history and can damage the environment, economy, and society. This year has been especially challenging, with many parts of Alberta in a water shortage. The Province of Alberta is in Water Shortage Management Stage 4, meaning that multiple water management areas are affected, and a significant number of water license users are impacted and unable to draw water.

The Building Resiliency to Multi-Year Drought in Alberta program was created by the Alberta Water Council in partnership with Alberta Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils (WPACs). It’s designed to support municipalities and communities as they plan and implement drought resiliency measures. The workshop on March 7th will include information on regional water shortages, lessons learned from previous droughts in Alberta, and current information, tools, and resources available.

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