Floodplains in Alberta: A Tapestry of Geology and Ecology

What is a Floodplain? A floodplain is the low, flat region of land that flanks a river from its banks to the outer edges of a valley. The floodplain consists […]
Parks and Protected Areas in the Athabasca Watershed
Petra Rowell, Executive Director, Athabasca Watershed Council In 2022, the Government of Alberta announced the expansion of the province’s newest protected area – Kitaskino Nuwenëné Wildland, an area south and […]
Confronting Climate Challenges: Northern Alberta’s Winter Drought and Building Strategies for Long-Term Resilience

Caity Seifert, Project Coordinator In autumn 2023, Alberta experienced the onset of a strong El Niño event. This climatic phenomenon led to above-average temperatures and a striking lack of snowfall […]
Forever Chemicals Fixed with Particle Physics?

Ashley Johnson, Education and Outreach Coordinator What is a forever chemical? Forever chemical is a term that generally gets used for chemicals that cannot be broken down through natural processes. […]
Understanding the Athabasca Watershed: Ponds and Dams in Focus

Caity Seifert, Project Coordinator Introduction The Athabasca Watershed, a sprawling 167,000-square-kilometer territory that accounts for about 24% of Alberta’s land, serves as a critical hub for natural resources and community […]
Tawatinaw Watershed Working Group: Local Environmental Stewardship

Kailyn Gibbons, Watershed Science Technician Learning about the vast expanse of the Athabasca Watershed has been amazing to me. Since I started my work with the Athabasca Watershed Council, I […]
Safe Secure Drinking Water For All: cause for the rare authorization of an inter-basin transfer in the Athabasca Watershed

Caity Seifert, Drinking Water and Climate Change Adaptation and Resiliency Intern Water is complicated. Its management, even more so. Alberta’s Water Act was implemented on October 7th, 1998. It represented […]
Water in Alberta’s Boreal—Never a Dry Subject

Lorne Fitch, P. Biol. The joint northern WPAC conference, Water Management in Alberta’s Boreal, included a keynote address by Lorne Fitch, Professional Biologist, Fish and Wildlife Biologist and a past Adjunct […]
Water Management in Alberta’s Boreal

Ashley Johnson, Education and Outreach Coordinator On February 15th and 16th, we had the pleasure of collaborating with the Lesser Slave Watershed Council (LSWC) and the Mighty Peace Watershed Alliance […]
Upper Pembina River Fisheries Update

Ashley Johnson, Education Coordinator On October 28th, Alberta Environment and Parks hosted a webinar on the state of the fisheries of the Upper Pembina River. Mike Blackburn walked those […]