An overview of palaeontology and how it relates to water

Margaret Cross, B.Sc. Honors in Palaeontology and Ashley Johnson, Education and Outreach Coordinator In October, Margaret and Ashley gave a talk to the WPAC summit attendees who came to the […]
Benthic Invertebrates; the Who, What, and Why

Aneilia Ayotte, Science Communications Coordinator What are benthic invertebrates? Benthic Invertebrate sounds like a bit of a daunting phrase when you first hear it, however when you break it down […]
Board Meeting and Water Availability in the Lower Athabasca River Basin

Read about Dr. Scott Ketcheson’s work in the Boreal Plains of Northern Alberta. Dr. Ketcheson studies hydrological processes in the Lower Athabasca River Basin.
Out and About: Pond Leveler Installation

Ashley Johnson, Science and Education Coordinator written on July 29th, 2021 On July 28th, Sarah (our watershed planner) and I drove out to a site about 20 minutes away from […]
One of the World’s Largest Freshwater Deltas

(contributed piece by Wood Buffalo National Park) Kevin Gedling | | (867) 621-0782 2020 in Northern Alberta was a springtime no one will forget. A perfect storm of snowy […]
Microplastics Everywhere

Humans are interacting with these small plastic particles every day without even noticing. These tiny plastic particles are entering our drinking water, our food, and our environment.
Farms, Women, and Water

You often hear the saying “Farmers are the stewards of the land.” In some areas of our watershed, you could say the same about water. The central portion of the […]
Building Watershed Knowledge With Science Outreach – Athabasca

Part of the work of the Athabasca Watershed Council includes providing timely and credible information about the Athabasca Watershed to our stakeholder audiences and to Indigenous peoples, as well as the […]