Moving Forward!
On September 21, 2018, the Technical Committee met up with Petra Rowell, the consultant creating our Integrated Watershed Management Plan. The group went over the Terms of Reference for the project, which they moved to be accepted by the Board of Directors.

The TOR lays out the scope and content of the project as well as the roles and responsibilities of the committee and the Board. It also names the various sectors suggested for further engagement, including but not limited to:
- Forestry
- Oil and Gas / Mining
- Agriculture
- Tourism and Recreation
- Health & Environment
- Academia
- Member at Large
- Stewardship
- Municipalities/RMA, AUMA
- First Nations
- Métis
- Alberta Environment and Parks
- Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
- Alberta Energy / AB Energy Regulator

What Does Success Look Like?
During the session, Petra also led the group through some visioning exercises. A particular issue affecting the successful management of the watershed was presented and ideas on solving the issue or answering the questions were requested. The group broke into teams and came up with their own suggestions on answers and solutions. It was a great way to get input from the committee, but also a way to see the engagement process first hand.
Petra then asked everyone what a “successful IWMP” would look like. Answers around the table were varied, but most agreed that having a plan that is relevant and useful in practical terms is very important.
Next Steps – First Draft
Now the project will move into the first draft stage, which will be followed by engagement with stakeholders. Stay tuned for announcements for engagement events.
If you have any questions on the IWMP or have input for the project please contact