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# Section AWC Youth Program
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The Athabasca Watershed Council (AWC) Children’s Program is a learning opportunity for youth in the Athabasca Watershed to increase watershed literacy with watershed science educational and outreach activities that support the learning outcomes of Alberta’s curriculum. The AWC’s watershed scientists focuses on school presentations, field trips opportunities, outreach events, and day camps to educate students on the Athabasca Watershed and watershed science (For Free!)

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Program Activities

Watershed scientists provide a variety of activities during these events. A watershed model is presented that introduces what a watershed is and point source and non-point source pollution.

Blueridge Family Fun Day – Woodlands County, July 2019

Nature walks introduce plant identification. Invasive species games and watershed/wetland games are also a favorite during day camps and field trips. On our field trips and day camps we provide a booklet for everyone to take home with invasive species word searches and what is a watershed kids worksheet. These word searches and worksheets are also handed out during outreach events and school presentations.

Dip net activities will also be conducted for the older groups that we educate; this introduces them to benthic invertebrates. We aim to follow the Alberta curriculum grade 5 science with introductions to wetland science when conducting field trips and day camps for grade 5 classes. We also follow Grade 8 Alberta Curriculum that covers freshwater systems when presenting to grade 8 groups.

Watershed Science Day – Fort McMurray, June 2019


If you would like more information or would like us to customize a children’s program for you, please contact:

science@athabascawatershed.ca or call (780) 213-4550

We want to hear about how we can help you and your students or group learn more about watershed science and the Athabasca Watershed! 


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Online Fun:

The Watershed Game- Online, multiple choice game

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Info Sheets

It’s Your Watershed – Pollution 

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This project is financially supported by: