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Tawatinaw Valley Christmas Bird Count

December 30, 2023

Join the first annual Tawatinaw Valley Christmas Bird Count on December 30th! If you’d like to be involved sign up here, or contact Caity at kczimmermann24@gmail.com or (587) 594-2914.

Tawatinaw CBC poster

The Christmas Bird Count organized by Birds Canada involves various roles, each essential for the success of this citizen science project. Here’s a description of each role:

Coordinator: The Coordinator is the key organizer for a local count. They select the count date, define the count circle (24 km diameter), recruit participants, assign specific areas within the circle to teams, and submit the collected data to Birds Canada.
Team Leaders: Team Leaders are experienced birders who guide a group of participants. They are responsible for ensuring their team effectively covers their assigned area within the count circle. They also help with species identification and counting, and report their team’s findings to the Coordinator.
Field Counters: Field Counters are volunteers who go out in the field, either as part of a team or individually, to count birds. They need to have some bird identification skills and are responsible for spotting and identifying birds in their assigned area. If they are still new to birding, partnering with more experienced birders can be around with sufficient notice.
Feeder Watchers: These participants count birds at bird feeders in their yards. Feeder Watchers are crucial for documenting birds that might not be as visible to field counters, particularly in urban areas.
Data Compilers: After the count, Data Compilers work with the Coordinator to organize and review all the data collected from the field counters and feeder watchers. They ensure the accuracy and completeness of the count before the information is submitted to Birds Canada.
Photographers: Although not a formal role, photographers often participate in the count to document the event and the species observed. Their photos can be valuable for educational and promotional purposes.

Organizers will provide a recording sheet for participants to record their observations and submit to the compilers.


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December 30, 2023
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Athabasca Watershed Council