present a live, online (via Zoom)
Working Well Workshop
November 8th, 2022
Starting at 6:30 pm
Consider how your life would change if you lost your water supply!
Did you know that a poorly maintained water well can put your water supply at risk of contamination and reduce your well yield?
If you are one of ~450,000 Albertans who use their water well for household purposes, the key to ensuring your water supply is safe and secure is knowing how groundwater works, learning about your well and understanding how to properly maintain it.
Proper water well siting, construction and maintenance will help protect your well from biofouling and contamination, save you costly repairs and ensure your well water yields are sustained over many years.
Find out what you can do to protect your well. Attend this FREE, live, online (via Zoom) water well management workshop being hosted by the Athabasca Watershed Council, and presented by the Working Well Program, with technical expertise provided by Alberta Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Economic Development, Alberta Environment and Parks, Alberta Health Services and licensed water well drillers.
During this live, online workshop you will learn:
To participate in this virtual workshop, pre-register here: