
# Section Mid-Pembina Watershed Riparian Assessment
## Column 1: Rich Text

Riparian lands have considerable ecological, economic, and social value. There is a need to effectively manage riparian areas. Therefore, understanding riparian habitat across the landscape is essential to improving conservation and management outcomes in the region. 

In an effort to better understand riparian habitats within the Mid-Pembina watershed, the Athabasca Watershed Council retained Fiera Biological Consulting to assess riparian habitat along approximately 1,600 km of lake and river shoreline. A total of 19 waterbodies were assessed in the Mid-Pembina watershed, including 12 creeks and rivers and 7 lakes. Intactness was used as the measure of riparian condition because the relationship between an intact riparian zone and the health or function of the aquatic environment is well established. 


To download a copy, click here.

Pembina Watershed Restoration Program

This program has funding available to support landowner projects in the Pembina Sub Watershed. An important focus of this program is to work with local landowners to implement on-the-ground projects that protect and improve the health of shorelines and streambanks.

We work in the following areas: 

Funding can include riparian fencing, installation of livestock watering systems, tree planting, riparian health inventories and more.

Contact: Sarah MacDonald, (780) 213-4550, science@athabascawatershed.ca