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## Column 1: Rich Text

The Athabasca Watershed Council, with financial support from the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, has developed a mobile library exhibit showcasing the Athabasca Watershed. The exhibit includes tabletop banners with information about the Athabasca Watershed Council and the Athabasca Watershed, brochures on invasive species management and activity sheets on watersheds and wetlands. The focus of the exhibit is a magnetic map of the Athabasca Watershed, where visitors can move a magnet to their favourite place in the Athabasca Watershed.  

Read about the AWC’s collaboration with the Alice B. Donahue Library and Archives here. 

If you would like your community library to host the mobile library exhibit, please contact Ashley Johnson at outreach@athabascawatershed.ca or 780-213-4389.  

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## Column 1: Rich Text

A woman is standing next to a table. The table has a map of the Athabasca Watershed as well as brochures.

Our Education and Outreach Coordinator next to the library exhibit, when it was being hosted in Athabasca.