# Section Information for Prospective Board Members
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## Column 1: Rich Text
Thank you for considering putting your name forward for a position on the Athabasca Watershed Council’s Board of Directors. Here are some things you should know:
The Athabasca Watershed Council is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of up to 21 members. In addition to the Past-Chair, there are 20 seats for provincial and municipal Governments (5), Indigenous members (3), Members-at-Large (2), Industry (5) and Non-governmental organizations (5). Directors are elected for a two-year term by the membership at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Directors can be re-elected for successive terms. The Board of Directors selects its officers (including the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) at the first meeting following the AGM.
# Unnamed Section
## Column 1: Rich Text
AWC Board Seats Currently Vacant (2023)
- Federal or Provincial Government
- Municipal (Upper Watershed)
- Agriculture or Industry
- Mining or Utilities
- Indigenous
- Member at Large
# Unnamed Section
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## Column 1: Rich Text
Time Commitment
The Board of Directors aims to meet four times a year. In the past, an effort was made to move meetings around the watershed. In more recent times, meetings are virtual. Most meetings are a half-day to a day. In addition to regular board meetings, there is an AGM each year (usually held in June). Directors are expected to commit time to Board activities (e.g., preparing for meetings, reviewing meeting minutes, etc.) between meetings.
The Athabasca Watershed Council has several standing committees, and board members are expected to become an active member of at least one committee. Standing committees include the Executive Committee, Finance and Fundraising Committee; Communications, Education and Community Engagement Committee; and the Technical Committee. Standing committees meet on average four times a year, often virtually. Ad hoc committees may also be formed as work arises.
Performance Expectations for Board Members
Directors are expected to become familiar with the Council’s foundational documents including bylaws, Terms of Reference, board policies and practices, etc. They are also expected to be actively involved in board and committee meetings and activities. Being a board member does require a commitment, but we also find time to make new friends, to get out into the environment, and to celebrate our successes! If you have any questions about the roles and responsibilities of Directors, please don’t hesitate to contact us.