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The AWC offers a number of opportunities for students and the general public to learn about watershed science. We’ve listed our main initiatives below.
# Section X-Stream Science
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X-Stream Science gives highschool students the opportunity to receive hands-on science field experience in their local streams. This experiential learning program for grades 7 – 12 includes conducting real-world water quality monitoring and collecting benthic macroinvertebrates (water bugs). The program is typically offered in three parts: pre-trip presentation, field-trip, and data analysis.
X-Stream Science is led by the questions:
What is the health of our local stream environment?
How are different land uses changing water quality?
How do habitat variables affect aquatic life systems?
What changes can we see over time?
Let students learn how to answer these questions through water sampling, benthic invertebrate collection and a land use survey guided by the Athabasca Watershed Council. Through the generous support of TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, the Athabasca Watershed Council is able to offer this program at no cost to schools across the watershed this May and June. The program can also be delivered in September.
Have questions about the program? Want to book your class in today? Contact our Education and Outreach Coordinator Ashley at outreach@athabascawatershed.ca, or 780-213-4389.
This program was made possible with support from:
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# Section Caring for Our Watersheds
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Caring for Our Watersheds is an Alberta-wide environmental educational competition. CFOW encourages partnerships with community-based organizations to create solutions to local watershed issues.
Each year students are invited to submit proposals that answer the question “What can you do to improve your watershed?”. Proposals can be submitted in the form of writing, video, or any other creative format you can think of!
Submit creative, thought-provoking innovative ideas for the chance to win cash prizes, and receive funding to implement the project in your local community.
The Athabasca Watershed Council is promoting the Caring for Our Watersheds contest in our watershed. For more information, please contact Ashley at outreach@athabascawatershed.ca or 780-213-4389.
# Section Pond Days
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The Athabasca Watershed Council is pleased to collaborate with local counties in delivering educational programming for Pond Days. Pond Days invite students from schools across their county to a local waterbody to learn about a variety of topics from organizations like Cows and Fish, Highway 2 Conservation, and the Alberta Trappers Association.

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_Title_: Education and Outreach Resources
_Link_text_: Learn More
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Thank you to the Alberta Conservation Association for their financial support of all of our watershed education initiatives.